These are the important words tat you need to know.
Sum means add, it means finding the total amount. The sum of 12 and 21 is 12+21=33
Difference means subtract. The difference between 9 and 3 is 9-3=6
Product means multiply. The product of 4 and 5 is 4x5=20
Dividend is divided by the divisor 20
to give the answer as a 20: dividend
quotient. 4: divisor
5: quotient
Increase means to add on. Increase 14 by 9 means 14=9=23
Decrease means to subtract form. Decrease 56 by 34 means 56-34=22.
= means equals. 4+5=9
≠ means not equal to. 4+6 ≠12
> greater than. 12>5
≥ Greater than or equal to. X ≥7 means X=7,8 or 9 etc.
< means less than. 4<5
≤ means less than or equal to. X ≤ 14 means X=14, 13, 12 or 11 etc.
∴ means therefore. X+4=12 ∴ X=8
i.e. means that is or therefore. X=12+7+3 i.e. X=22
≈ means approximately or equal to. The price of the chocolate
is $2.95we can say the cost ≈ $3.
Squared means power of 2. Five squared means 5
√ means square root. √16=4 what number does it times itself to get 16?
Cubed means power of 3. 5 cubed 3= 5^3=125.
3^√ means cube root. 3^√125=5. What number multiplied by itself by 3times is equal to 125? 5x5x5=125
Average means middle. The average of 4 and 10 equals 7.
Evaluate means work out the answer. Evaluate 7x5+1
Answer: 36.
Simplify means find the simplest answer. Simplify 8+12-5
answer = 15.
* The meaning of the simplify is the same meaning as the word evaluate.
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