In this lesson, we're going learn more on converting fractions to decimals.
Now, previously, we understand the special fraction and what special fraction is, but sometimes when you have a fraction that's not an equivalent, the special fractions won't work.
It happens most of the time wen you're converting fractions into decimals.
This is what you have to do. The method is very simple, only thing you have to do is divide the denominator from the numerator.
Our first example is "Convert 7/9 into decimal."
Like I said, we need to divide the denominator from the numerator.
So 7 divide from 9 and the answer is 0.777777778.
Second example is " Convert 5/21 into decimal."
Same as this, 5 divided by 21, and the answer is 0.238095238.
* In some of the fraction, you will notice that numbers tenths and hundredths are repeating.
In this case, you put a dot above the number on tenths and hundredth, it depends which number on which place is repeating and if the number on tenth is repeating, you put the dot above the number on tenth.
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