Previously, we learned converting decimal to fraction. In this lesson, we're going to learn converting fraction to decimal. Changing fraction to decimal is easy, if you know the special fraction.
Now, to change the fraction to decimal, you need to make the denominator into 10, 100 or 1000 or etc depends on the denominator which it has tens, hundreds or thousands. Also if you're converting fraction to decimal, first thing you have to do is, figure out which number is going to make the product of 10, 100, 1000, etc.
Our first example is " Convert 1/5 into decimal.
To convert fraction into decimal, we need to multiply something with 5 to make the denominator 10.
Reason is 5 is close to 10, so we're going to times 2 to make the denominator 10.
Therefore, 5 got times by 2 and the answer is 10, and don't forget to times 2 to 1 because it needs to be equal.
Then our answer is 2/10 and in decimal is 0.2.
Our second example is "Convert 7/25 into decimal."
In this example, you need to figure out which number needs to be multiply and make the product 100.
Now, 100 divided by 4 is 25 so then we need to do 7 times by 4, then our answer is 28.
Therefore our answer is 28/100 and in decimal, is 0.28.
Third and last example is " Convert 5/8 into decimal."
Now, 8 multiplied by 125 is 1000, and we do the same thing to the numerator.
5 multiplied by 125 is 625, therefore our answer is 625/1000
and in decimal is 0.625.
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