Sunday, September 5, 2010

Maths signs into words

 In this lesson we're going to learn the maths operation signs and changing it to words. in most of the maths exams, the questions are all about reading and comprehension and most of the words are connected to maths.

  These are the important words tat you need to know.

Sum means add, it means finding the total amount.           The sum of 12 and 21 is 12+21=33

Difference means subtract.                                              The difference between 9 and 3 is 9-3=6

Product means multiply.                                                   The product of 4 and 5 is 4x5=20

Dividend is divided by the divisor                                      20 ÷ 4=5
to give the answer as a                                                         20: dividend
quotient.                                                                             4: divisor
                                                                                           5: quotient

Increase means to add on.                                               Increase 14 by 9 means 14=9=23

Decrease means to subtract form.                                  Decrease 56 by 34 means 56-34=22.

= means equals.                                                                 4+5=9

≠ means not equal to.                                                         4+6 ≠12

> greater than.                                                                   12>5

Greater than or equal to.                                                 X ≥7 means X=7,8 or 9 etc.

< means less than.                                                              4<5

≤ means less than or equal to.                                             X ≤ 14 means X=14, 13, 12 or 11 etc.

∴ means therefore.                                                            X+4=12       ∴  X=8

i.e. means that is or therefore.                                              X=12+7+3 i.e. X=22

≈ means approximately or equal to.                                     The price of the chocolate
                                                                                           is $2.95we can say the cost ≈ $3.

Squared means power of 2.                                                       Five squared means 5 ^2=25

√ means square root.                                                         √16=4 what number does it times itself to get                                                                                                        16?

Cubed means power of 3.                                                  5 cubed 3= 5^3=125.

3^√ means cube root.                                                        3^√125=5. What number multiplied by itself                                                                                          by 3times is equal to 125?  5x5x5=125

Average means middle.                                                      The average of 4 and 10 equals 7.

Evaluate means work out the answer.                                 Evaluate 7x5+1
                                                                                         Answer: 36.

Simplify means find the simplest answer.                             Simplify 8+12-5                             
                                                                                         answer = 15.

* The meaning of the simplify is the same meaning as the word evaluate.

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